Nov. 10, 2022

5G Towers, Kyrie's Anti-Semitism, Home Depot Unions

5G Towers, Kyrie's Anti-Semitism, Home Depot Unions

It's election week in America. Torin and Julie keep you distracted.

Torin and Julie are back this week with 5G towers taking over NYC, a conversation about anti-Semitism, Kyrie Irving and other Black celebrities in hot water over controversial decisions. Plus, Mastodon, are you in?

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Production and Music: DJ Cellz


0:00:00.0 Torin: We've been about this work, diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging. Shared through the voices of a white woman and a black man. We bring lived experiences. We have pursued D&I progress for most of our professional lives. We use Crazy and the King to cover news, tips from colleagues and hosts, incredible guests. Listeners, count on Julia and I to transparently drive the conversation. We thank you for rocking with us. Check it. Julie, kick off the show.




0:00:37.3 Julie: Welcome to Crazy and the King Election Week 2022.


0:00:42.6 Torin: Election Week 2022 and Mastodon is rising. Now listen, for those of you who are listening to this pod, Julie and I actually have done this introduction two times. So we're not going to necessarily have as much fun with it the second time, but, I promise you we are going to have a conversation around Mastodon. So clear your mind. J, were you familiar with Mastodon before this weekend? Or actually before we even started recording?


0:01:16.9 Julie: So before we started recording, but only like two days ago because of all the Twitter stuff and like, oh shit, where am I gonna go? What am I gonna do? Yes, the Mastodon rising.


0:01:28.0 Torin: The rising. The rising.




0:01:34.7 Torin: So listen, when I was on the plane, you actually hit me with an article and it was really around some funky new gray towers going up on the streets in New York City. And on a serious note, there are some people with some concerns and the article is titled, for those of you listening, it's "What are those mysterious new towers looming over New York's sidewalks?" Why did you pull this article?


0:01:58.0 Julie: Well, I just think it's really interesting for a few different reasons. So they're 5G towers to break everyone's interest on it. 5G towers, to be exact, there are more than 2000 places across New York City, so think the five boroughs where these 5G towers have been put up. And let's say there are like two or three.


0:02:21.2 Torin: Going to be put up, just my correction, going to be put up.


0:02:23.8 Julie: Going to be put up.


0:02:25.0 Torin: Two thousand going to be put up. Go ahead.


0:02:26.5 Julie: Yes. And so some of them have started to pop up around the city. And just so like when I think of 5G, I think of a cell phone tower, but this is sort of like a mini cell phone tower. It goes up, let's say maybe like three stories high. So you could be standing at the bus stop and look up and you could be standing underneath a 5G tower. Could be outside your apartment window, that kind of thing. And they're being put up in internet deserts. And basically 90% of them are going into internet deserts which are underserved areas of the city in terms of getting access to reliable high-speed internet. And we know how incredibly important that is when it comes to being able to work remotely, being able to help kids do homework to get access to the information that they need to be well-educated members of the community and society.


0:03:21.4 Julie: And so what really caught me off guard, and I think this is sort of where your brain went too, was this is a really good thing, I think, and this is my opinion, because we need to make sure that people who don't have access to very expensive internet, like a lot of us have to pay for, are getting access to 5G. But the community seemed rather upset about it. They weren't really happy because there didn't seem to be a lot of communication. And interestingly enough, some of them didn't see the need.


0:04:00.0 Torin: Yeah, didn't see the need. And I would say the healthcare concerns. I mean, think about how many years, J, we walked around and people said that this was a problem, having the phone to our ear could be an issue, it being so close to our brain. And so there are even mentions in the story around the healthcare concern. One mother raises the issue saying that the tower is just right outside of her son's bedroom window and so I think it's absolutely fair. And I don't think it's asking too much of a community. I don't think it's too much of a community to ask, that's a better way to say it. I don't think it's too much of a community to ask that you communicate with us, that you share with us that these developments, these enhancements are coming down the pipe, that this is the reason why we are doing them. We want to allay your concerns around healthcare or access or whatever the case may be. I just don't think it's too much of them to ask. Tell us what is going on.


0:05:00.9 Torin: You mentioned something in the opening. You said that this was election week. And so because it's election week, I said, you know what, why don't we do this story on Glenn Youngkin? So Glenn Youngkin is the governor of Virginia. And earlier this year in January, he set up what he considered to be a tip line. And I shouldn't necessarily say he set up. His administration set up what they considered to be a tip line around this critical race theory. Now, for all of our listeners, you know, Julie and I have talked about a number of instances where critical race theory has been brought up. It's been brought up in the corporate quarter. It's been brought up by politicians. It's been brought up by community groups and organizers. I think about the group down in Texas, the moms. These folks have really attacked critical race theory and basically said we don't want it taught in our schools. We wanted to... We don't want it to happen in our workplaces. Nowhere. We really don't want history that makes us uncomfortable to be talked about. So the administration set up a critical race theory tip line in January. And guess what happened in September, J? I'll tell you exactly what happened.


0:06:15.8 Julie: Nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing. [chuckle]


0:06:19.3 Torin: I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Can you say that again? One more time.


0:06:22.7 Julie: Nothing.


0:06:24.1 Torin: Yeah, that right there. Nothing, because most of the tips that they received came from, well, most of them came from one woman. But the few that they received were around academic rigor, special education, teaching tactics. There were some praises of adulation and congratulations for the teachers. But few, very, very few, if any, tips or complaints around critical race theory. So in September, they closed the tip line down.


0:06:56.6 Julie: Yeah. So, right. Just that I can almost see a correlation now. And bear with me while I say this out loud for the first time between this 5G story and this Glenn Youngkin story. So Glenn Youngkin in this case took political action, right? Not government, not civic action, took political action to keep a base of his supporters agitated, to not sort of be the grownup in the room that says, you know what, this isn't real. This isn't really a problem. We know that you've been kind of fed these theories on at these conspiracies. We're not seeing it and we're not going to focus on it anymore. This is very similar to what's happening in our schools around the furries and the bathroom bills, just political nonsense. Right?


0:07:57.4 Julie: And then we have on the other hand, the other side of the aisle is politicians who are trying to do something good civically, but forget to ask the people that they're helping. Right. And so all of this is around legitimate, necessary communication and having the people that serve us, who we elect to these offices, understand that they cannot make decisions unilaterally. And they can't make decisions that are based on what their perceptions of our needs are or what reality is on their own. And I don't know if that correlates, but it's just like a lot of shitty communication. And sometimes maybe solving for a problem, or solving for a problem that the community that doesn't actually exist.


0:08:52.0 Torin: Like the voting piece that you mentioned around, you know, in the New York Times and how since the pandemic, I know that there have been some changes in how the disability community has been able to participate in the voting process.


0:09:07.0 Julie: Yeah. New York Times has a great article out on election day. I highly encourage you to go back and read it. Just talking about that disabled voters are twice as likely to have problems voting in person as a non-disabled person. And in fact, during the 2020 election, more than two million voters with disabilities reported that they were not able to finish the act of voting or vote with the appropriate privacy protections. And that's a significant number. And then as we move towards these more restricted laws and regulations around the right to vote and all the rules of putting pieces and parts in place to protect identities and make sure there's no voter fraud, which does not happen at any scale in this country, what politicians are doing again is making it more difficult for a part of their constituency, a large part of their constituency to actually participate in the process.


0:10:14.0 Torin: Yeah, which is absolutely unnecessary, which is a reminder for all of us that while we may vote on a particular day at specific times throughout the year, that the necessity for us to be present and involved, involved and present, attentive, intentional, that that requirement is something that exists all the time, that we in the, in the throes of our day to day and moving about life, all of the responsibilities that we have personally, professionally, that we cannot forget to be civically engaged to some degree. And speaking of voting, we'll close out with Home Depot. They actually voted down. This is in Philadelphia. They voted down the opportunity to unionize in the Home Depot stores. The vote was 165-51 against forming the Home Depot Workers United. As you might know, for those listening, it's an Atlanta based company. They employ somewhere in around five hundred thousand people in more than 2300 stores in the US, Canada and Mexico. So no union in Philadelphia.


0:11:28.0 Julie: Yeah. And this, I mean, I actually read the story and I kind of thought, well, I'm really surprised that they decided not to unionize. But what I had to kind of step back and remember is that Philly's in the northeast, which has much greater labor protections. It has a stronger history of unionization than a lot of the rest of the country. And so outside of reading the article and hearing that there were some, potentially some harassment, things that were happening with the employees in this particular area or managers who were trying to unionize. This is a much different conversation than a Starbucks in Little Rock or an Amazon in Mississippi, where worker protections are significantly less from a regulatory perspective than they are up in the northeast. We'll see how this continues to play out. But I think that where we really need that union build out is really it's in the south and the Midwest. That's where we've lost a lot of those worker protections over the last three decades.


0:12:44.0 Torin: Cool. So a word from our sponsor and we'll keep pushing through this election week episode.




0:13:01.8 Torin: So in a flash, let's talk about the chicken and the egg. The bird let go of several thousand employees. Ad revenues have dropped. Potential class action lawsuit is looming and he justifies it because of activists, social groups pressuring advertisers. Women's unemployment in the US rose by 212,000 or 0.3% in October. This is according to new data from the Department of Labor. A more recent loss has been MSNBC's weekend host Tiffany Cross. She's leaving the network, some say fired and many say left unprotected by that employer, MSNBC.


0:13:39.9 Torin: The world's tallest woman, hopped on a plane for the very first time at 7 feet point 7 inches tall. The airline removed six seats for her. For those listening, this is a non-work related example of the difference between equality and equity. Now, if you missed it, not a problem. Just rewind the episode and listen again.


0:14:04.1 Torin: And finally, yes, hearing a New York based hearing technology and audiology care provider raised 10 million in a series A round of funding. And it's still a no for me on Twitter Blue, which is now another retail play, which brings us back to Mastodon. You ready, J? Let's talk.


0:14:28.5 Julie: Oh, my God. So before we talk Mastodon, I also have to give a little name drop early in the show for our social media person, Tricia, who's helping us. She put a poll on Instagram about paying for Twitter Blue, and I was just completely fascinated. So if you're not following us on Instagram, go do it. Take a vote on the poll. Let us know what you think and we'll do more of those.


0:14:52.0 Torin: Shout out, Tricia. We so appreciate the work that you have been doing, like literally loving how you have amplified and built up our social presence over there on the IG. So that hot water I mentioned is boiling. There are more than a few disappointed murmurs when Academy Award winning actor Lupita Nyong'o announced that she would become the global diamond brand of De Beers, their first ever global ambassador. Kyrie Irving has raised anti-Semitism concerns. Rihanna disappointed fans with the choice of Johnny Depp. And we know a whole bunch of people are mad at Jack Dorsey. Let me just say, here's what Chris D. Jackson said about Jack Dorsey on Instagram. He said, "It's not about your business practices. It's that you said Elon is the singular solution that you trust. And his question to you, Jack, was are billionaires really that mesmerized by each other?" And I wanna go back to that. Elon is the singular solution that I trust.


0:16:12.7 Torin: I guess, you know, my question this week, J, as we talk for a couple of moments, you know, I just found myself really... I'll use the word disappointed. I think that that's a little light because that tends to be a part of the week. You know, you ebb and flow through these emotions, how you're feeling about certain subject matter. I found myself just a little disappointed in, as Chris says, that disconnectedness of some of these people that breathe a rare air and how it is that you cannot see what you are doing. It is paralytic. It is peril. It is an abuse, misuse. It's just detrimental to more of humanity than it is serving. And why is it that we seem to continue to suffer the brunt of many of these decisions?


0:17:15.0 Julie: Well, that was a big question for our little podcast here this afternoon. And, you know, I mean, I think the thing... If we go, if we went back and listen to last week's episode, right, you were kind of like, yeah, Twitter, whatever, Elon, whatever, like no big deal. And I...


0:17:38.8 Torin: That's a fact. That's a fact.


0:17:40.4 Julie: And I mean, and here's the thing that's good about us. Right? I tend to like overboard, overreact a lot of times, and you kind of bring me back to like the same middle place. But what I think that we found this week is how much damage one person can do inside of a corporation in the matter of hours. Right? So, Jack... And I think a lot of us had sort of this sort of fan girl, fan boy thing about Jack, that he was sort of this good tech guy. He got a big payday, right? And at the end of the day, that's really what it's about is all these billionaires getting bigger paydays with each other and that's why they're so fascinated with each other. But knowing that, you know, Elon dissolved all the employee resource groups, he cut the content moderation team, he also gutted, if not completely dissolved the accessible user experience team in just a matter of hours, because what he needs is to make more money. Because he took on so much debt to make this purchase and now we're all living with the consequences of his knee jerk reaction to buy an option that he couldn't really afford to actually have called on him.


0:19:10.4 Torin: And let me just say, I don't even care. See, here I go again with the I don't care. [laughter] First of all, a good call on your part, because I talked about that, you know, one night this week at dinner, I was sharing with the person Dan Fellows from Get-Optimal. He's out here with me as well in California. And I shared with him how last week, I had that position around Elon taking over and how you had your position and my oh my, how in five days things changed because he put up one tweet and that one tweet really sent me over the edge. But I say I don't care in the sense of he purchased something he couldn't afford because there were a lot of people that is now coming out. Well, I don't know how true it is, but I'm seeing names of people who contributed to that $44 billion acquisition, that buy, how he raised that money. And there's some names in there of people that a lot of us admire, if you will, we respect to a certain degree, we rock with to a certain degree. So how he got to owning it is his balance sheet business.


0:20:23.5 Torin: I think the challenge that I have with this scenario is, how is it that you could be so short-sighted that you could come in and just drastically begin to cut? I mean most leadership books, most of them from the '90s to 2000s to '10s, most of them still have a very familiar theme in them, which is, as a leader when you take over do not do anything for the first 30 days. For the most part, walk around, get to know the landscape, understand your terrain, and then begin to make some decisions, but give it 30 days. Okay, fine, if 30 is too long, give it 15. No problem. You got 15, let's give it five. Let's give it five. In five hours, this cat was going through like a wrecking ball, and now is in some ways paying a price. And to your point, and to our inner flash piece, he's blaming the fact that he cut staff on the loss of advertisers. Well, the advertisers were beginning to walk away even before the acquisition was finalized. They walked away in the beginning of the final hours or those new hours of the acquisition.


0:21:45.3 Torin: So I just don't think that as a billionaire, as a person, he has exhibited the type of leadership that we would want. Actually, and I can't pull it up fast enough, but you mentioned that engineering team that was responsible for much of the accessibility options that were developed, that leader is the person that I would enjoy working for. He's the person that I absolutely would find to be inspiring, supportive, resourceful. That's the person that I feel is an incredible... That's the model of... And it's just one of many, many models. I just don't think that Elon or Jack have done a good job of modeling good leadership.


0:22:30.0 Julie: Yeah. And I think they'll continue to get away with that, right, and I think, you know, when you mentioned those other names in the list this week so...


0:22:42.4 Torin: Kyrie, Rihanna...


0:22:44.1 Julie: Kyrie.


0:22:44.5 Torin: Lupita. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


0:22:46.1 Julie: What do all of those people have in common?


0:22:48.6 Torin: Black.


0:22:49.5 Julie: They're all black. They're all black. And Lord Jesus, I don't think that we had this conversation on the record last time that we talked, but you know, kind of goes back to Kanye, who Kanye has some things happening that he needs to answer for, but holding to account a black man at a different standard than we hold a white man to, I think is part of what kind of goes full circle for me here. I don't know necessarily that I feel like Kyrie deserves a pass or, you know, I don't know, like I don't know, but I just feel like as I keep watching people be held account to their errors, the ones that we're talking about right now more significantly than the ones that we should be talking about, like Elon, like Jeff Bezos, like Jack Dorsey, are successful black and brown people.


0:23:56.0 Torin: Yeah. So you mentioned all of them being black. You mentioned a higher or a different standard, a different threshold of accountability. I think about Kyrie in a different way. I think about Kyrie in the sense of, he's an individual who has apologized. He's an individual who has, according to reports that I've seen, made a donation to the ADL, if not other organizations. He simply says this is my opinion. I'm suggesting or recommending that you watch a particular movie. I think the movie is titled Hebrews to Black, if I'm not mistaken.


0:24:39.8 Julie: Negroes, I think.


0:24:41.2 Torin: To Negroes, Hebrews to Negroes, something like that. I have not seen the movie. So here's the issue. And you bring up Bezos. Here's the issue. The issue for me is I don't believe that Kyrie is anti-Semitic. I don't get that from what he said. I don't believe that Kyrie has any ill will or concern for Jewish people. I believe that he was sharing what he believes to be some historical revelation, some truth around how we have evolved. And he was suggesting that people watch this particular movie. And my question becomes, well, if you're mad at Kyrie for suggesting that people should watch the movie, shouldn't we be boycotting the platform where the movie is housed? Because I don't see any tweets. Let me tell you, J, I listen to black and white hosts on radio stations, programs that are on black platforms or primarily black platforms, as well as primarily white platforms. I listen to a variety of talk hosts, intellectual individuals that can do far more justice to a conversation such as this than I ever will be able to.


0:26:09.8 Torin: And I recall last week listening to a woman call in on a show and she was berating Kyrie. And so I said, and at that point, this is probably Thursday, I had not really dug into why is he going through all this drama. But it became so much of an interest for me like, let me just take a couple of days, Saturday and Sunday, I started to look and I'm like, I don't think this is adding up. This is really not adding up for me. And I think the question, the bigger question for me is, you know, to those that are listening in our audience that are Jewish, my question to you all is a really sincere question. Can one say anything about the Jewish community and it not be categorized as being anti-Semitic? Can one say anything? Anything, even if it's truthful? Can one say anything critical and it not be immediately categorized as being anti-Semitic? I say the same thing, J, around cancel culture. I say the same thing around people tossing around the term of you're racist. I don't always categorize things as being racist. I just don't... That's not my default. So it feels to me like much of what is happening against Kyrie is the default of, oh, just because he said something or whatnot, let's just put it in this category over here.


0:27:51.0 Julie: So I think a few things. One is I think it would be fantastic for us in 2023 to have more conversations around anti-Semitism and have some of our Jewish friends and colleagues come on the show to help us better understand how to, for us to make those differentiations and what the appropriate sort of landing and middle ground is because it's not a subject that I'm super comfortable with. I always feel like I do tread very thinly because I don't want to say something that's incorrect. And I think that's something that, you know, as you and I are always looking at, like, where do we want to know more? Where do we make ourselves better? I can't imagine that our listeners wouldn't also benefit from that conversation.


0:28:44.7 Torin: Indeed.


0:28:46.3 Julie: I also think Kyrie in particular has a target on him a lot of times because he has been so controversial over the past few years, especially around refusing to get vaccinated, you know, some other things that he has done and said that has caused his words and actions to be scrutinized fast, quickly, whether that's correct or incorrect. And I've been looking and the movie that he put up was Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America. And according to the New York Times, it's a 2018 film driven by anti-Semitic tropes about Jewish people lying about those origins. Among its false and outlandish claims is the assertion that the Holocaust never happened. So what... Kyrie put a link in his, one of his Instagram stories to that movie, it got caught up and thus here we are with him being titled as unfit for being part of the Brooklyn Nets organization. Go ahead.


0:30:01.0 Torin: So let me ask you a question. Did I hear you say inside of the movie, the movie suggested that the Holocaust did not happen?


0:30:10.0 Julie: Correct. Kyrie did not. So Kyrie, literally he put up a picture of the movie or a rental link or something in Amazon. No words, no context. And that is, you know, there are apparently clearly anti-Semitic tropes in the movie itself. Now, could we have a conversation with Kyrie about what those are instead of, you know, doing things the way that we did? Like, I think that's where we need to come back to the middle to your earlier point is like, if Kanye watched this movie and he's been raised up in a culture of anti-Semitism or a culture of tropes about Jewish people that are not true, that's certainly gonna color his view of Jewish people. And so, you know, if I were to put up, let's say a picture of Birth of a Nation, I would expect that I would get slapped around a little bit because that's a clearly racist movie. And, you know, my question is, can Kyrie not see this because he doesn't have the right information or is he just always in that like, I'm gonna be controversial mode of being Kyrie?


0:31:38.4 Torin: Yeah. Again, some people would say that a little bit of information sometimes is dangerous. You know what I mean? So we find ourselves going down these rabbit holes and we look at a couple of documentaries or we watch a couple of clips of something on YouTube. And we read a couple of pages of a book, we listen to a few moments of a podcast and we feel like that's something that should be regurgitated. It should be re-shared. It becomes gospel to him. And so I don't think that... I think that we absolutely should put paws down. I think that we should use some degree of discretion. And so if Kyrie stands to be corrected and I absolutely believe that the Holocaust happened, period. So if this is a movie that says that the Holocaust did not happen, Torin personally would not share it. If that was the only trope in the movie, I wouldn't share the movie. I just wouldn't do it because I don't want a person to have to sift through and try to determine which inaccuracies are the ones that are most damaging to a community of people. So I believe that certainly that is problematic but I don't think that it's one of those things where it needs to be more than him apologizing. If he has already apologized, not once, but a couple of times, I don't think that he should be getting the categorization of being anti-Semitic.


0:33:17.7 Torin: I just think that we are too loose with how we are putting some of these titles on people. But again, that's just me, my opinion, and I'm not Jewish and that's the reason why I would love to have someone from that community to come on. We've done it a number of times and we try our best to find people that are of the voice that we are discussing so that we're not talking for them. We're not talking about them, that we are talking with them. And so I think in 2023, we are absolutely going to have a few conversations around anti-Semitism. You just did something. You don't know you did it. I'll tell you offline what you did, but you just did something which was promising.


0:34:06.0 Julie: Okay. Yeah. I mean, and I agree. Just to kind of wrap up this segment is what I love about our show is that we give each other that space to figure it out together and we recognize the things that we don't know and the things that we need to have different conversations on. I do think as we are wrapping up the segment, just thinking about something again, I think that you brought up last week on the show was once the Twitter purchase was finalized, the dramatic increase in the use of the N-word and anti-Semitic language specifically rose dramatically on Twitter. So I think that for Jewish people, or at least I'll say my concern is that we are going through historically a rise in anti-Semitic beliefs and behaviors. And we've seen how those have played out in the past and not just the Holocaust, but dozens of times over the past couple of thousand years with programs in Russia and all over the world that we need to be... I think we need to focus on being cautious in a lot of these places, especially for this community right now.


0:35:29.0 Torin: I agree. I agree. I agree. All right. So we'll be right back because we got to do our Her Voice segment and close out the show.




0:35:39.4 Torin: All right. Her Voice is where we amplify women that are making moves and up first longtime HBO President for Documentary Films is Miss Sheila Nevins. Under Nevins, HBO had become a well-funded platform for filmmakers willing to explore deeply the lives of people on the fringes of society. She, Miss Sheila Nevins, was actually responsible for the HBO trilogy Paradise Lost that helped to free three unjustly imprisoned teens known as the West Memphis Three.


0:36:16.8 Julie: Got to check that out. Then we have Kylie Adams who tweets at Umich, M-I-C-H as in Michigan, Umich Medicine, is a student who is dedicated to ensuring everyone can enjoy the outdoors. She created a wheelchair made specifically for nature trails and developed a free public trail chair program to increase accessibility for the entire community. You can check her out at Umich Medicine on Twitter.


0:36:46.0 Torin: Yes, indeed. Lois Curtis, a civil rights icon and champion for justice. Lois, unfortunately passed away last week. She was the lead plaintiff in the 1999 Supreme Court landmark decision Olmstead versus LC. It's a decision that changed the lives of millions of people and in that ruling, penned by the late Justice Ginsburg, the Olmstead decision made or forced institutionalization of disabled people illegal. And since it has been passed, Olmstead has been applied to state institutions, schools, and workplaces. The AAPD put out a really beautiful statement about Lois Curtis, again, who passed away last week.


0:37:34.0 Julie: And finally, chief human resource officers are becoming top picks for CEO. A move unheard of five years ago, Briana Van Strijp of Anthemis, Leslie Motter of Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Leena Nair of Chanel have all moved from HR to the corner suite.


0:37:55.0 Torin: Absolutely, absolutely. And I just want to say that I didn't do a good job this week, J, on Disability Twitter so I apologize to you. I apologize to our listeners for not necessarily having the Twitter mentions lined up. I missed that part in pulling the show together, but I am absolutely putting the mention out there. I want people to go out and get on Twitter. Do #disabilitytwitter. Just put the hashtag in the search, Disability Twitter, and find articles, find resources, find people that will introduce you to what it's like to be a part of the disability community.


0:38:38.0 Julie: All right. And I will give one quick name drop this week to a good friend of ours from the Disability Community, Kathleen Lee, who passed away last week. If you know her, you know what she meant to our community, the amazing work she did through Cornell the amazing advocacy that she did. We lost her, and I would just like to close reminding each and every one of you that we should take the signs of suicide seriously. If you are considering suicide, call the National Suicide Hotline and call a friend because we need you and we love you and we don't want to lose you. And we lost an amazing woman too soon this month.


0:39:23.0 Torin: Yes, indeed. Kat was phenomenal only had a chance to meet her but one time and her energy was radiant, smile was bright had on her cowgirl boots and she was stepping through that joint in California. Love, love, love meeting Kat earlier this year. We close reminding each and every one of you to share the pod with your digital tribe and to find your voice, be a better human, let's create better culture teams and workplaces. For now J and I are ghost.


0:40:04.8 Julie: See ya.